Monday, December 10, 2012

Berliner Pfannkuchen

Berliner's originally were eaten only as a New Year's Eve dessert. It is a funny and common prank to give someone a Berliner filled with mustard.

Berliner's are Germany's version of doughnuts. They are traditionally fried in lard and injected with filling using a syringe. They are then topped with some sort of sugary topping, whether that be powdered sugar or a sugar glaze. The different kinds of fillings vary, with fillings such as Plum-butter, jams, custard, and chocolate. The filling determines what kind of topping will be on the Berliner. For plum-butter filled Berliner's, powdered sugar is used. Raspberry, strawberry, and cherry Berliner's call for regular sugar. All other fillings would require a sugar icing.

Most people believe that when JFK visited Germany and said the famous words, "Ich bin ein Berliner," that it was translated literally as him saying "I am a doughnut." However, he did in fact use an appropriate sentence, which addressed his relation with Berlin. In Berlin, the call Berliner's Pfannkuchen, so no one from Berlin would have misunderstood him., Dec. 11

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